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VR in Architecture


Using blueprints to craft experiences

Blueprints are a visual scripting platform within the Unreal Engine. One can write the nodes themselves, or simply attach them together, such as dynamo. The logic pattern may be used for animating or inventing objects in Virtual Reality, or otherwise. 

The following  are a small sample of the tools by which "Tockwotton" and "WInchester Lofts", amongst others, were made. Developed by Sasha Francoeur and myself, the Code for things such as material changes, lights turning on and off, and the like, were made in order to provide experience as well as depiction.

day to night 1.JPG
day to night2.JPG
enable input.JPG
day to night 5.JPG
CounterTop Material changeg.JPG

Virtual Reality is changing the way we design, the way we understand our designs, and the way we communicate with our clients.

The technology is versatile and not altogether tested. As any new technology, the way we decide to employ is more important than the technology itself. Having the facility to craft stories for our users to encounter, or setting the stage for the stories to organically develop is of utmost importance as far as implementation within the architectural industry is concerned. 

Virtual Reality is only as powerful as the stories users discover with it. 

VR in Architecture

kitchen day time.jpg
kitchen night time.jpg

How users interact with the space in virtual reality has big implications on the overall experience. How they perceive themselves and their body, changes the experience altogether. Adding hands to our models allowed people to not only see themselves in the space, but to immerse themselves fully. 




With enough knowledge with blueprints one can do anything in the Unreal Engine or Unity. Unreal, with a visual scripting and python based programming system, is easy to customize and shape to ones needs. The example above shows a change of scene when the user strikes "L" while next to the light switch. All lights are automatically turned on, the scenery outside of the apartment changes, and sound objects adapt. 


day to night 4.JPG
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